Privacy Policy

Who we are

Our users’ privacy is very important to us. Although offering a customized and valuable experience, we are committed to protecting our users’ privacy. E-Tax Consultant’s data processing policies are outlined in this Privacy Policy document.

E-Tax Consultants asks you to provide your personal details either online or in person, storing this personal information about you in our database for processes and configurations in the future.

We also tend to collect information about your website movement and your surfing behavior every time you visit our website.

We use this Data for purposes that may include:

  • Guiding you in filing formalities and completing your taxation processes by making use of personal data
  • Strategic development for future processes
  • Providing you with information about our services and products
  • To audit the processes on our website
  • Holding marketing surveys for interactive service features
  • Co-operate with law enforcement and other legal terms if necessary.
  • To develop our marketing profile

Encryption Policy:

Suggested text: If you upload images to the website, you should avoid uploading images with embedded location data (EXIF GPS) included. Visitors to the website can download and extract any location data from images on the website.

Data Access

E-Tax Consultants shall oblige to your demands every time you wish to alter, modify or make changes to your preference regarding your data and personalized information.

Do You Need
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